Bees Please!

Bees Please!

I’ve always had a fascination with bees. At school, I founded the Bee Keeping Society and although there was an unfortunate mix-up in the proceeds of the sale of honey, that’s all in the past now. This summer, we’re working with the highly talented Emma Mawston, an illustrator and designer based in the South West, and this is her design.  She drew the plants in situ, in Devon and Cornwall before painting them on Somerset produced watercolour paper from ‘Two Rivers’. Below are some of her illustrations showing how she builds up her designs from initial sketch to finished product.

Flowers include Honeysuckle, Chrysanthemum, Verbena and Hibiscus, all favoured by our apiary friends. Finally, she added the charming Buff Tailed Bumblebees. The fabric is then digitally printed on fine 100% cotton ‘Lawn’ in Italy. The colours are rich and sumptuous, with a saturated feel and so much detail.

Flowers include Honeysuckle, Chrysanthemum, Verbena and Hibiscus, all favoured by our apiary friends. Finally, she added the charming Buff Tailed Bumblebees. The fabric is then digitally printed on fine 100% cotton ‘Lawn’ in Italy. The colours are rich and sumptuous, with a saturated feel and so much detail.

Emma works closely with Will Bees Bespoke, a Salcombe company that is highly committed to local and sustainable values. As part of their responsible approach to the environment, Will and his company support the Bumblee Conservation Trust and you can visit them on their stand at the upcoming Chelsea Flower Show at stand AR 517. His crew will be wearing their Simon Carter Bumblee Bee Garden in this three way collaboration.

Meantime, you can buy this delightful shirt online. But buzz along quickly as stocks are limited.



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